Journal of Thrombosis and treatments

Journal of Thrombosis and treatments

Journal of Thrombosis and treatments

Open Access & Peer-Reviewed

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About The Journal

Journal of Thrombosis and Treatment (JTT) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal dedicated to advancing the research and collaboration in thrombosis. JTT is designed to bridge the gap between basic research and clinical practice in thrombosis, providing the most up-to-date scientific research and treatments to thrombosis specialists and related healthcare providers. JTT delivers innovative, high-quality thoughtful reviews, research presentations as well as original research.

JTT provides a unique platform for the exchange of research results and clinical practices. Topics covered by JTT include, but are not limited to deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, arterial thrombosis, hemostasis, thrombophilia, and antithrombotic therapy.

Scope of the Journal:

Blood clots in lung, Cerebral thrombosis, Coagulation and fibrinolysis in preeclampsia and neonates, Coronary thrombosis, Deep vein thrombosis treatment, Deep venous thrombosis, Differentiation of low-molecular-weight heparins: practical implications, Disseminated intravascular coagulation syndromes, Effect of antihypertensive treatment on plasma fibrinogen and serum hdl levels, Endovenous laser ablation, Evaluation of new japanese diagnostic criteria for disseminated intravascular coagulation in critically ill patients, Hemorrhoid thrombosis, Hepatic vein thrombosis etc.
Remaining Scope can be viewed at Aim and Scope 

Article Submission Procedure:

JOP welcomes submissions from researchers, clinicians, and professionals. We accept original research articles, reviews, case reports, commentaries, and technical notes. Our simple online submission process ensures that each submitted article is reviewed promptly, and the editorial decision is communicated in a timely manner. Accepted articles are published online soon after acceptance, ensuring rapid dissemination of your research.

  • Initial Screening: Editorial team checks manuscript for basic compliance (format, ethics, originality).
  • Peer Review: Manuscript sent to multiple peer reviewers (experts in the field). Reviewers assess the scientific validity, methodology, results, and overall quality.
  • Reviewer Recommendations: Reviewers submit feedback and recommend:  Accept - Minor revisions - Major revisions - Reject
  • Decision on Manuscript: Editor-in-chief considers peer review feedback and makes a decision: Accept for publication - Request revisions - Reject
  • Revisions (if applicable): Authors address reviewers' comments and submit revised manuscript.
  • Final Review: Editorial team or peer reviewers conduct a final check on revisions.
  • Acceptance: Manuscript is accepted for publication.
  • Proofreading: Authors review final proofs before publication.
  • Publication: The article is published in the journal (online).

Editorial Board:

  • Roberto Pedrinelli - University of Pisa
  • Max Saito - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
  • Sahela Nasrin - Ibrahim Cardiac Hospital & Research Institute
  • Naiyang Guan - National University of Defense Technology, Changsha
  • Ping Hu - University of Virginia
  • Kazunori Otsui - Kobe University Hospital.
  • Weisheng Zhang - First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University
  • Ioanna Koniari - University of Patras
  • Tarik Kivrak - Firat University , Elazıg
  • Neeraj Khatri - CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology
  • Shu-Qun Cheng - Second Military Medical University
  • Hsueh-Wen Chang - National Sun Yat-Sen University


1. I can not say enough about how good my experience working with OAP was. Submission is easy, and responses from the editorial staff responds promptly and professionally. The entire process from submission to PDF was completed in weeks rather than months.

Phillip Brumm - University of Wisconsin-Madison

2. My experience was very positive working with OAP. My manuscript review was very thorough and I appreciated the attention to detail. I would recommend submitting a manuscript.

Patricia Doyle-Baker - University of Calgary

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For any inquiries, please contact us via email.


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